I’ve always wanted to start a blog but never knew how and I wasn’t very confident in my writing skills. So as a Science-nerd I decided to do the one thing that has always feared me… take an English class… specifically Writing in the Workplace. To my surprise I fell in love with this class, creating content and composing digital stories. So much so that I decided to dive into Digital Storytelling.

One of the most important things I learned was how to work with digital media. As a consumer of digital media I know I won’t read anything unless it has eye-catching pictures and is very interactive. A big block of text is not appealing to anyone. To get your audience interested you have to intermix the text with pictures, videos, and links.

What is better is being able to create a video with audio and pictures. This semester I learned how to enhance my digital stories through tools like Adobe Spark and Canva.

I’ve also learned what works for me and what doesn’t. I love my Why Does Atlanta Love Little Five Points? post. I learned that using AdobeSparks “page feature” isn’t the best for my website. Although, what I did learn through the Sense of Place assignment was the importance of using digital media to make the audience feel as if they’re there.

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